Tuition Centre for JC, O Level & IP in Singapore
As the leading for JC, IP and express tuition center in Singapore Indigo focuses on academic excellence and they guide students towards staying at the top. They use their own teaching methods, assessment methods, and study material which help the students to be well prepared to meet with the demands required of them in schools. Visit the website fo
Best Tuition Centre for JC, O Level & IP Singapore
The curriculum of Indigo Education Group is designed with the perspective to help students cope with the high demands of the national school examinations, they would also provide students with the necessary exposure and perspective to prepare them for their lives after school. Visit the website for more details.
Best Teachers for JC in Singapore
Indigo Education Group has a team of dynamic and passionate tutors who provide proper guidance and support the every student. They are specialized in Junior College (JC) and Secondary Integrated Programme (IP) and Express tuition. Visit the website to know more.
Primary Mathematics Tuition
The primary mathematics programme of Indigo Education Group is designed to teach students on how to tackle the PSLE paper effectively and efficiently, using heuristics and problem solving skills. Visit the website for programme schedule.
Primary Science Tuition in Singapore
At Indigo Education Group Science is taught with a strong academic focus, in preparation for distinction in PSLE examinations under the primary science programme. Visit the website and enroll for the programme.
Tuition Centre for Secondary Students
The secondary programmes of Indigo Education Group are designed to give students a solid foundation in tackling the new challenges faced in Secondary school. They strive to help them grow in confidence and realize their potential. Visit the website for admissions.
Secondary Math Tuition in Singapore
The mathematics programme lay emphasis on fundamentals & application of skills and learning math through core concepts so that students can enjoy and understand the topics better rather than rote learning. Visit the website for more information.
Science Tuition for O’ level Students
Indigo Education Group’s secondary science programme focuses on strategy and precision in working towards acing examinations. They emphasize the necessity of building a strong base in science logic, reasoning and conceptual knowledge. Visit the website for more information.
IP Tuitions Centre in Singapore
The IP programmes of Indigo Education Group focus on advanced learning. Their IP Tuition programmes helps students in gaining a strong academic footing in English, Mathematics and Science. Visit the website for more information.
English Tuition for IP Students
The robust English Programme of Indigo Education Group helps students break down essay writing structures and comprehension skills into manageable forms. They provide a comprehensive method of practicing and improving English with the aim of empowering students. Visit the website for more details.